In December (4th to 8th included) the Mobicents team will be gathered for its 5th face to face team meeting in Sochi, Russia, where the XXII Olympic Winter Games will be held. No need to tell that I am very excited to meet my colleagues again, our customers and community !
That's right you read well, building on the success of last year in opening up the meeting to community we are doing it again this year !
Check the contents of the meeting and feel free to provide your input on what you would like to see (the contents for meetings/gatherings during the night shall not be disclosed :-) what happens in Sochi stays in Sochi to paraphrase a famous quote)
For those of you that want to join us there and get more insight on Mobicents, our move toward the cloud, influence the roadmap, discuss the future of the platform, do some hackfest, etc..., feel free to ping us to get more information on the hotel, details etc (you will have to pay for your trip and hotel though as we can't sponsor the whole community :-)). Also you will more than likely need a visa so make sure to apply early, (the tour agency can send a voucher which is mandatory for getting visa so feel free to ask us).
Looking forward to see all of you there !
Looking forward to see all of you there !